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Defining Diverse Types of Awards to Support the Organization’s Culture and Enhance Overall Employee Engagement.

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Recognition is an institutionalized way of saying “thank you” to employees for a job well done and for the extra effort they put into their work. Recognition discussions should be part of the regular rhythm of the organization and not a one-time or spot occurrence, considering it is a powerful resource to drive elevated levels of employee productivity and engagement. In addition to a paycheck, employees are looking for the following aspects at their workplace: (i) a sense of pride, belonging, and personal accomplishment; (ii) recognition by their colleagues in and outside their teams or departments; (iii) exposure to senior leadership; and (iv) career advancement based on increased contributions and demonstrated potential..

Just as employees write their SMART goals for the fiscal year, managers should also dedicate time and resources to provide their team members with SMART recognition, considering it should be sincere (and specific), meaningful, adaptable, relevant, and timely. The following sections will describe a series of specific applications to use recognition and other incentives to enhance organizational culture and employee engagement in parallel.

looks_oneIncrease the organization’s reputation and appeal through referral incentives


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