An expert-driven platform to help you solve your most pressing HR challenges

Get the best practices you need to evaluate, build, and advance all your strategic human resources programs and processes.











A scalable system of practices that meets you where you are

Know where your organization stands and set your aspirations for progressing to the next level – from core to advanced to emerging practices.

Review Wowledge’s catalog of programs

Core Practices

Foundational practices provide essential benefits using cost-efficient approaches that are actionable by any professional.

Advanced Practices

Evolved practices designed for HR professionals to maximize benefits with potential investments in technology.

Emerging Practices

Progressive practices leverage leading-edge methods and require teams to have a solid understanding of people processes.


Leveraging an effective and exclusive framework

Wowledge's integrated talent and organizational sustainment framework helps you streamline the development of a complete HR strategy.

By incorporating essential capabilities of talent management, organizational effectiveness, and continuous improvement, you can build an always top performing organization.

An all-in-one source

Everything you need to implement actionable HR best practices at every stage.

Progression Overviews

Introduce the staged approach to each HR capability to illustrate the key practices to help you confirm where to start.

Practice Guides

Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and considerations for implementing and enhancing your HR programs.

Tool Summaries

Downloadable templates and use cases help you action new strategic HR programs quickly and effectively.


Powered by HR experts' collaboration

Proven practices

Our expert team has vast experience in HR and management consulting, creating easily accessible best practices to meet you where you are.

Exclusive expertise

We work with an elite network of top experts across HR domains and business leadership to gather their experiences and lessons learned from the real world.

Modern perspectives

Our community of seasoned professionals continuously provides perspectives, makes recommendations, and helps identify what topics to focus on next.


See how all comes together. Get our Talent Management Strategy eBook for Free.

A full kit of all you need to craft a core talent management strategy with four complete practices and deployable tools to guide you at every step.