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Dr. CarolLaine M. García

Dr. CarolLaine M. García

Dr. CarolLaine M García is an AfroLatina Holistic Leadership Coach, Speaker, and Writer. Using her expertise from her Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology as well as a decade of leadership coaching and consulting expertise within diverse Fortune 500 firms, Dr. García is on a mission to put the heart back into leadership. As the first and only female PhD in her Dominican-American immigrant family, Dr. García uses her vibrant cultural herstories and healing experiences as a multi-identity, multi-passionate, and non-traditional woman to uproot the status quo on what it means to lead with inner connection and abundance. Her mission is to guide trailblazing BIPOC leaders and healers back to themselves so they can lead with heart in their personal lives, businesses, relationships, and communities. She is available to facilitate inclusive workshops, retreats, speaking engagements, and coaching experiences for conscious organizations and groups.

Embracing Holistic Leadership: The Art of Pausing for Sustainable Impact

Embracing Holistic Leadership: The Art of Pausing for Sustainable Impact

Dr. CarolLaine M. García

Dr. CarolLaine M. García 01/21/2024 4:39pm 17 minute read
