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Hernan Chiosso

Hernan Chiosso

With over 25 years of experience spanning software engineering, product management, and leading HR initiatives at global tech companies, Hernan Chiosso has leveraged his technical background, expertise in assembling and managing remote teams worldwide, and HR tech product leadership to drive organizational change through design thinking and agile principles.
He currently advises organizations and mentors entrepreneurs on HR Innovation, helping them solve people, product, process, and technology problems, and publishes articles for various outlets (AMSVerified, Wowledge, etc.) as well as for his own newsletter, where he combines the domains of Product Management, Agility, HR, and AI.

Additionally, he serves as a National Board Member for LatinxProfessionals and as Technology Director BOD for the National Human Resources Association.
HR Productization: A Product Development Approach to People Operations

HR Productization: A Product Development Approach to People Operations

Hernan Chiosso

Hernan Chiosso 09/01/2024 10:56pm 18 minute read


HR Process Design and Management Using Kanban

HR Process Design and Management Using Kanban

Hernan Chiosso

Hernan Chiosso 11/19/2023 1:01pm 14 minute read
