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Building a Team to Develop, Manage, and Maintain Multiple Content and Delivery Vehicles.

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How it works

An effective L&D function requires certain key capabilities including how to understand and act on business and talent needs, the ability to deliver a range of programs that respond to those strategic requirements, secondary technical skillsets that may be built via a cross-functional team, and general management competencies that will support the design and production of quality programming. Sourcing and selecting candidates for the L&D role(s) takes all of these into consideration.

looks_oneLook for core learning and development skillsets 

Five primary skillsets reign as vital elements of the L&D leader and team:

  1. Leadership and strategies – creation and management of a vision and direction for the L&D team; outlining of learning strategies and areas of focus for a content area, business unit, or enterprise.

  2. Instructional Design – definition of learning objectives; analysis and selection of the best learning methods, modalities, and technologies; creation of courses, curriculum, student guides, and training manuals. 

  3. Training delivery and facilitation – presentation and facilitation of in-person and virtual instructor-led learning sessions; management of classroom and online logistics; facilitation of an engaging, safe, and supportive learner-centered event; managing group dynamics and behaviors.

  4. eLearning Systems Design – creation of visual, audio, and interactive learning in a self-paced and self-initiated online environment.

  5. Learning Administration – management and monitoring of course registrations and program sessions; oversight of L&D contractors, eLearning utilization, course evaluations, and departmental budgets; catalog curation.


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