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Executing Effective Candidate Prospecting Campaigns to Fill Positions Successfully.

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How it works

Launching effective recruiting campaigns to target and attract highly aligned candidates for a job position requires structured practices as well as creativity and experimentation to continuously test and adapt. It is both art and science where involvement from business leadership, HR, and marketing will be critical to success.

looks_oneEnable a careers page

It is fundamental to have an attractive and trusted company website that links a dedicated “Careers Page” with information tailored to people interested in joining the organization. This will be a landing page that leverages the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to showcase several key sections in a clear fashion, including:

  • The company’s purpose, vision, and core values.
  • Benefits it provides.
  • Work culture, accolades, and employee testimonials.
  • Application or recruiting process steps.
  • Current job openings.

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