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Identifying and Documenting Individual Strengths, Skills, and Functional Expertise.

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Wowledge Expert Team
Principal level
255 Wows earned

How it works

The intersection of success profiles and career paths occurs when employees self-assess their education, experience, strengths, and skillsets against those outlined in the profiles. This is a key element of career planning. The initial documentation and comparison against the standards in a profile provides feedback to the employee regarding what learning and development activities are required to move up in the organization.

looks_oneDraw strengths and expertise data from existing documents

Employees can mine existing documents for useful data and evidence on their areas of expertise, starting with educational attainments, basic job and critical experiences, and unique areas of business knowledge and exposure. Such data is readily available in recent resumes, performance evaluations, social media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn), and professional association biographies. The focus of such information is on work accomplishments and critical skill capabilities such as developing an app in both Java and Swift, reengineering a work process, leading a project team, closing the most sales in a fiscal quarter, etc.

looks_twoReview skill assessments


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