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Leveraging Career Development Technologies and Resources for Enhanced Opportunity Identification.

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Wowledge Expert Team
Principal level
127 Wows earned

How it works

Current technologies offer the promise of tremendous efficiencies in the development and handling of career development processes and insights. Once set up, these systems can tackle much of the manual work of competency development and documentation, success and talent profiles, and the identification of career paths and development options.

looks_oneDefine career development automation needs

It is crucial to clarify what capabilities are most needed for the career development system in terms of the features and functions of a new system. Understanding the purpose of having a system and how it benefits both employees and the organization is an important element of making such an investment. Providing automated tools and resources directly impacts the successful creation and management of a culture of mobility by simplifying career planning and providing fair and equal access to the same information to all employees.


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Career Development - Practice guide (L2 - Advanced)

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