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Identifying Critical Needs and Goals for the Role to Establish Immediate Priorities.

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Stephanie Quarls
Expert level
127 Wows earned
Wowledge Expert Team
Principal level
23 Wows earned

How it works

One of the first steps to successfully transitioning into a new role is considering all of the available information on why an executive was hired, some of which will have been discussed during the recruiting process. This allows them to understand what their immediate priorities and goals should be. There are usually 3 main reasons that an executive transitions into a new role: 

  • The previous executive retired or moved to a new role, leaving a vacancy
  • Poor performance or the wrong fit for the role demanded a change
  • A change is needed to move the organization in a completely new or different direction

Based on the context of the vacancy, conversations during the recruiting process, and existing company information, a new executive should strive to understand critical needs, gaps, and why they were chosen for a role.

looks_oneGather relevant information on the role and expectations


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