Executive Transitions

Defining immediate and long-term methods to establish traction for an executive in a new role, specifically focusing on strategic priorities, relationships, personal development, and actionable plans.

Documents included in this package

Level 1 - Core

Identifying Critical Needs and Goals for the Role to Establish Immediate Priorities.

One of the first steps to successfully transitioning into a new role is considering all of the available information on why an executive was hired, some of which will have been ... more »

Networking with Internal Clients and Peers to Develop a Multi-perspective Understanding of Job Requirements and Priorities.

Building relationships within an organization is important at any level, but it takes on a deeper level of criticality when discussing an executive level. The benefit of starting ... more »

Determining the Most Strategic Allocation of Time for an Executive to Clarify How to Best Target Work Efforts.

Making the switch from day-to-day operations into a more strategic, executive-level role can be difficult, especially if this is an executive’s first time in a management ... more »

Defining the Highest Strategic Initiatives to Prioritize Areas of Focus.

It’s important for an executive to get to the initiative level when they start to think about the actions and people required to make traction on a critical need. The focus ... more »

Creating a 180-day Plan with Actions and Milestones to Target the Highest-Impact Performance Areas for a Successful Role Start.

One of the most useful materials a new executive can have, both personally and to share with others, is a well-thought-out plan that details key goals, actions, owners, and ... more »

The Executive Time Allocation Tool: Visualize Time Spend Across the Five Main Role Categories to Identify Current and Desired States.

Visualize Time Spend Across the 5 Main Role Categories to Identify Current and Desired States. Ready-to-Use Tool + Summary [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The 180-Day Plan Tool: Define Key Milestones and Actions Required to be Successful During an Executive Transition and Beyond.

Define Key Milestones and Actions Required to be Successful During an Executive Transition and Beyond. Ready-to-Use Tool [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

Level 2 - Advanced

Assessing the Existing Team to Determine Strengths and Gaps Associated with Key Priorities.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of an executive’s team is paramount for understanding how they are going to accomplish key priorities that they have set forth for ... more »

Evaluating Stakeholders to Understand Supporters and Blockers for Critical Initiatives.

It’s well known that no matter how effective an executive is at their job, if they don’t have the support of other stakeholders, they will be limited from the start. ... more »

Creating a Personal Board of Directors to Serve as Mentors for Ongoing Support and Direction.

As an executive progresses through their career, it becomes more important to maintain a personal board of directors. These individuals help keep an executive up to date with the ... more »

Defining a Set of Metrics to Measure Delivered Value and Success in the New Role.

Executives have many expectations to fill while in role, but undoubtedly one of the most important is to deliver value and results towards their pre-determined goals. Sometimes ... more »

Developing a Personal Brand and Leadership Style that Defines and Augments the Leader’s Impact on the Organization.

If an executive has been in a leadership role for a while, they have likely already cultivated a personal brand for themselves (i.e., he’s the AI guru). However, both new and ... more »

The Team Assessment Tool: Evaluate an Executive's Current Team to Identify Strengths and Gaps to Focus on.

Evaluate an Executive's Current Team to Identify Strengths and Gaps to Focus on. Ready-to-Use Tool [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Stakeholder Relationship Assessment Tool: Identify the Support Level State of Priority Stakeholder Relationships and Initiatives.

Identify the Support Level State of Priority Stakeholder Relationships and Initiatives. Ready-to-Use Tool + Summary [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Personal Board of Directors Tool: Identify Appropriate Mentors to Support an Executive's Transition and Career Success.

Identify Appropriate Mentors to Support an Executive's Transition and Career Success. Ready-to-Use Tool + Summary [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Personal Brand Template: Identify an Executive's Current vs Desired Brand and Define Changes to Achieve for the Future State.

Identify an Executive's Current vs Desired Brand and Define Changes to Achieve for the Future State. Ready-to-Use Tool [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

Level 3 - Emerging

Developing External Ecosystems and Partnerships to Create a Support Network and Springboard for New Ideas.

It has become increasingly important and common over the past decade for organizations to develop partnerships or ecosystems with other organizations. These can develop as formal ... more »

Shaping Company Culture and the Employee Experience to Enhance Alignment and Impact on Desired Outcomes.

A company’s culture can be broadly defined as the beliefs, values, and attitudes the company sets that influence the behaviors of the employees and how they do work. ... more »

Crafting a Succession Plan for the Future to Extend the Executive’s Legacy and Smooth Future Transitions.

While succession planning shouldn’t be the first thing on a new executive’s to-do list, it is important that the executive understands the significance of their ... more »

Mapping Out Future Career Moves and a Personal Development Plan to Prepare for New Opportunities.

Winston Churchill once said, “It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see.” There will come a time in each executive’s role ... more »

The External Partnerships Alignment Tool: Assess Existing and New Partnerships According to their Fit Across Key Company's Goals.

Assess Existing and New Partnerships According to their Fit Across Key Company's Goals. Ready-to-Use Tool + Summary [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Succession Planning Template: Compare Successor Candidates Across Required Role Proficiencies and Define Actions to Close Gaps.

Compare Successor Candidates Across Role Proficiencies & Define Actions to Close Gaps. Ready-to-Use Tool + Summary [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Career Development Plan Tool: Prepare for Potential New Roles by Identifying Actions to Close Related Skills and Relationships Gaps.

Prepare for Potential New Roles by Identifying Actions to Close Related Skills and Relationships Gaps. Ready-to-Use Tool [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

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CHRO Success Profile: Deep Dive.

Go deep into the CHRO Success Profile. Learn how CHROs can be more strategic as Growth Officers by uncovering the most critical initiatives to undertake... more »

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