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Defining the Highest Strategic Initiatives to Prioritize Areas of Focus.

Top creators

Stephanie Quarls
Expert level
127 Wows earned

How it works

It’s important for an executive to get to the initiative level when they start to think about the actions and people required to make traction on a critical need. The focus should be on prioritizing which initiatives are critical in the near term, and which can be delegated or moved down the calendar. A critical step in defining and prioritizing initiatives is to understand with clarity the critical needs and goals of an executive’s role (ideally between 4-6). Once those critical needs and goals are defined, the executive can approach getting to this more granular level.

looks_oneMake a list of initiatives that fall under each critical need or goal

For each critical need or goal, an executive’s first step is to list any initiatives that will be required to achieve the overarching outcome they are looking for. There are likely multiple options and opportunities to approach each critical need or goal, and this is the time to explore them all. An executive shouldn’t limit possible initiatives at this point, but simply explore all ways in which a critical need can be met.


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