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Building and Managing a Robust Employee Value Proposition

Building and Managing a Robust Employee Value Proposition

Charles Goretsky Charles Goretsky
13 minute read

Considering the continuing relative strength of the labor markets and shortages of available employees, the challenge of making sure your organization is attracting a sufficient number of qualified candidates for the available positions has never loomed larger. Ensuring a steady stream of applicants is a core outcome for talent acquisition teams, yet one that is increasingly difficult. A core piece of the equation is the initial attraction of those future employees, which requires a solid and compelling employee value proposition (EVP).  

An EVP refers to the unique set of benefits that an organization offers its employees in exchange for their skills, expertise, and continuing engagement. It is the value that an employer plans on delivering to its employees in terms of the overall employment experience. A well-defined and executed EVP helps attract and retain talented individuals, enhances employee engagement, and establishes the organization's reputation as an employer of choice.

It is related to, but not the same as an employer brand. Think of an employer brand as the external perception that is created by the actions and benefits that form a company’s value proposition, or how the world outside of the company perceives the value brought to employees. The EVP is an internally focused construct that establishes the basis for that external perception – it represents the cumulative benefits and experiences that are offered to employees. 

While the concept is well-defined and discussed, it is often under-researched, partly as an effect of wide variances in its definition and components. However, Gartner has reported that its research found that organizations that effectively deliver on their EVP can decrease annual employee turnover by up to 70% and increase new hire commitment by nearly 30%. 

So, what are the elements that define an EVP, and how can it be developed?

Defining employee value proposition (EVP)

A recent article in Harvard Business Review suggests that it is defined as a combination or interaction between four key factors:  

  • Material offerings – these are the tangible policies, programs, and processes that comprise what the company offers its employees, such as compensation, welfare benefits, office space, computer equipment, workplace flexibility, schedules, and related perks.

  • Opportunities to develop and grow – the opportunities that the company offers employees for their acquisition of new skills and capabilities, such as formal learning and development programs, job mobility (transfers and promotions), high potential programs, coaching & mentoring, etc.  

  • Connection and community – the benefits that come from membership in a larger group or segment/function of the company. They include being appreciated and valued, a sense of mutual accountability, belonging, and social relationships.  

  • Meaning and purpose - the organization’s aspirational reasons for existing. The extent to which employees’ own values align with those creates a strong bond to the company’s mission and value to both local and global societies.   

What is interesting about those factors is that often companies focus only on the first two – the more obvious and tangible values to employees that are offered as distinct and deliberate rewards in exchange for each employee’s work efforts and commitment to delivering work product. In our experience, however, it’s the latter two that often (and increasingly for younger generations of workers) drive employee engagement and retention. It is therefore suggested here that all four factors be attended to as a system that requires constant monitoring, development, and refinement. 

Leveraging a standardized process to define and manage an EVP

Given the stakes involved, developing and managing an EVP (and employer brand) calls for a disciplined and proactive approach. It requires research and analysis of available data and insights, integration with the organizational values, mission and culture, communication and promotion, and ongoing assessment/maintenance. The following 10 steps lay out a comprehensive process that can be leveraged to define and proactively manage a robust employee value proposition. By focusing on these elements, organizations can create and maintain a strong EVP that attracts, engages, and retains top talent. Here are the key elements to consider:

Research and understanding

Conduct research to understand the needs, preferences, and expectations of your target talent pools. This includes gathering feedback from current employees, analyzing industry trends, and conducting external benchmarking (additional details on research sources are included in the next section).

Alignment with organizational culture and strategy

Ensure that the EVP flows from, and aligns with the organization's culture, values, and strategic goals. A strong alignment ensures authenticity and helps create a consistent and compelling employment experience.

Leveraging critical workforce segmentation

Assess the EVP not only for the entire employee population but for specific segments as well. The key is to understand what key contributor segments (e.g., data scientists, pharmaceutical researchers) deliver disproportionate value to the organization’s mission and objectives value the most to maintain a more nuanced and targeted focus on their needs and preferences.


Identify what sets the organization apart from competitors and emphasize those unique aspects in the EVP. Highlight the organization's strengths, such as industry-leading practices, innovative initiatives, or a supportive work environment to attract and engage top talent.

Clear communication

Effectively communicate the EVP to current and prospective employees. Use various channels, such as the company’s website, social media, job descriptions, and recruitment materials, to clearly articulate the benefits and rewards employees can expect from working in the organization. Use the EVP in executive communications for both internal and external audiences.

Consistency and integration

Ensure that the EVP is consistently integrated into all aspects of the employee life cycle, from recruitment and onboarding to ongoing development and retention initiatives to executive development. The employee value proposition should be evident in HR policies, performance management, learning and development programs, competency models, and employee recognition efforts (more on this below).

Employee engagement

Foster employee engagement by actively involving employees in the development and refinement of the EVP. Leverage design thinking processes to seek their input, then actively address their concerns, and regularly communicate updates and improvements to the EVP. Engaged and informed employees are more likely to advocate for the company as an employer of choice.

Continuous evaluation and improvement

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the EVP through employee feedback surveys, exit interviews, retention and mobility rates, and other relevant metrics. Use the feedback to identify areas for improvement or addition and make necessary adjustments to enhance the employee value proposition over time.

Monitoring and adaptation

Stay informed about changes in the external environment, such as industry trends, workforce demographics, and societal shifts, and adapt the EVP accordingly. Regularly assess the relevance and competitiveness of the EVP to ensure it remains attractive to current and future employees.

Leadership support and commitment

Leadership support is crucial for the successful management of an EVP. Leaders should actively champion the employee value proposition, demonstrate its importance through their words and actions, and provide the necessary resources and support for its implementation and maintenance.

Measuring return on investment

Establish metrics to measure the impact of the employee value proposition on key business outcomes, such as employee retention, recruitment effectiveness, productivity, and employee satisfaction. This allows the quantification of the value generated by the EVP and drives data-driven decisions to further enhance its effectiveness.

By effectively managing these critical elements, organizations can develop and maintain a compelling EVP that helps attract, engage, and retain top talent, ultimately contributing to overall business and talent success.

Thoughts on researching EVP vs. the competition

Developing the insights necessary to understand a company’s unique value proposition more objectively requires some detailed legwork. When defining what differentiates a company's employee value proposition from its competitors, it is important to use relevant benchmarks that provide insights into industry best practices and market trends. Here are some benchmarking opportunities that can help identify key differentiators:

1. External research and industry data

Conduct research on industry-specific EVP benchmarks and best practices. This can involve analyzing reports, studies, and surveys conducted by reputable organizations and industry associations. Look for data on compensation, benefits, work-life balance initiatives, career development programs, diversity and inclusion practices, and other relevant EVP components.

2. Competitor analysis

Compare the organization's EVP with that of its competitors. Examine their career websites, job postings, and other recruitment materials to identify the benefits and rewards they highlight. Review competitors’ annual reports to assess how their employee value proposition aligns with their company culture, mission, and values. This analysis can help identify gaps and opportunities to differentiate the EVP.

3. Talent acquisition and recruitment insights

Regularly engage with candidates and new hires to gather insights into their perceptions of the organization's EVP compared to competitors. Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to understand what factors influenced their decision to choose your organization or another. This feedback can provide valuable insights into areas where the EVP stands out or needs improvement.

4. Employee engagement surveys

Regularly survey current employees to understand their satisfaction, engagement levels, and perceptions of the organization's EVP. Compare the results against industry benchmarks or conduct internal benchmarking across departments, teams, or locations. This can help identify processes/practices and areas within the company where the EVP excels or needs enhancement.

5. Best employer lists and awards

Explore lists and awards that recognize top employers in the relevant industry or region(s). These lists often evaluate organizations based on their EVP and employee satisfaction. Studying the practices and benefits of companies that consistently rank high can offer insights into what differentiates them from others in the industry.

6. Employee feedback and exit interviews

Gather feedback from employees who have left the organization through exit interviews or surveys. Understand their reasons for leaving and whether the EVP (or certain elements) played a role in their decision. Whenever possible, ascertain the company that they selected, and collect data on the value proposition that influenced their decision to change to that employer. Compare their feedback with industry norms and competitor EVPs to identify potential areas of improvement.

7. Social media and online reviews

Monitor social media platforms, employer review websites, and other online sources where current and former employees share their experiences. Pay attention to what employees say about the company’s EVP and how it compares to competitors. Compare the feedback and ratings to your own. Analyze the sentiments and feedback to identify areas of strength or weakness in the employee value proposition.

8. Thought leadership and thought partnering

Stay updated on thought leadership articles, blogs, webinars, and conferences related to HR, talent management, and employee engagement. Engage with industry experts, consultants, or thought leaders who specialize in EVP to gain insights into emerging trends and innovative practices.

By utilizing these benchmarks, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of the EVP landscape in their industry and identify unique differentiators. This information can be used to refine and enhance the employee value proposition, creating a compelling and differentiated employment experience that attracts and retains top talent.

Breaking down the components of an employee value proposition 

While the elements of a high-value employee value proposition can vary depending on the organization's culture, industry, and target talent pool(s), common ones include many elements of talent management and engagement strategies. Organized using the HBR article’s proposed integrated factors, examples include:

Material offerings 

  • Compensation and benefits: These include salary, bonuses, health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other perks. Competitive and fair compensation packages play an important role in attracting and retaining top talent.

  • Work-Life balance: Organizations that value work-life balance often emphasize flexible work schedules, remote work options, and family-friendly policies. Providing employees with opportunities to maintain a healthy work-life integration is highly valued.

  • Work environment: A comfortable, convenient, and supportive work environment, including office facilities, technology resources, and ergonomic considerations, can impact an organization's EVP. Enabling work-from-home options are a key component in this equation.

  • Employee well-being: Organizations that prioritize employee well-being offer wellness programs, mental health support, work-life balance initiatives, measurement/monitoring, and a supportive environment that prioritizes the holistic well-being of their employees.

Opportunities to develop and grow 

  • Career development: Offering regular opportunities for growth and advancement within an organization. Providing training programs, certification series, mentorship, coaching, and other learning opportunities can enhance the EVP.

  • Employee mobility: Formalized career planning, career ladders and lattices, talent marketplaces, project assignments, job rotations, and promotional opportunities are all vital elements for a robust EVP.

Connection and community 

  • Company culture: A positive and inclusive company culture fosters a sense of belonging and engagement. Elements such as open communication, diversity and inclusion initiatives, team-building activities, and recognition programs contribute to a strong EVP. 

  • Diversity, equity and inclusion: Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, ensuring equal opportunities for all employees, and fostering a culture of belonging can be a crucial aspect of an EVP.

  • Leadership and management: Effective leadership, transparent communication, and supportive management practices can significantly contribute to an organization's EVP.

Meaning and purpose 

  • Purpose and mission: Employees are motivated by meaningful work and personal alignment with a company's mission and values. Highlighting the organization's purpose and its positive impact on society can enhance the EVP.

  • Role and task meaningfulness:  Redesigning jobs in a manner that highlights their value to the workflow and the company’s product and service outcomes enhances their attractiveness to employees. Leaders should regularly communicate to their employees and teams how their efforts are contributing, directly or indirectly to the ultimate mission, market value proposition, and objectives of the larger organization.
  • Employer Reputation: The reputation and brand image of an organization can influence its EVP. Positive employer branding, strong corporate social responsibility initiatives, and a good reputation within the industry can attract top talent. Sharing corporate communications that highlight this should be done regularly. 

It's important for organizations to define their unique EVP and effectively communicate it to prospective and current employees. This helps create a compelling and differentiated employment experience that resonates with individuals and sets the organization apart from its competitors.

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