Designing Learning Programs that Impact Employee Knowledge, Skills, and Ability Acquisition.

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How it works

Learning programs are any training program or process designed with a specific learning objective (outcome) in mind, and as such includes live classroom or virtual classes or even less formal processes such as online eLearning programs or “Googling” for information online.  Once a decision to “build” (internally) rather than “buy” (externally) a specific learning program is made, those chosen for insourcing are subject to a formal design process. 

looks_oneSpecify learning objectives

Each course or module of a course should have specific learning objectives that will be used to guide content and material development.  Learning objectives are statements of what learners will be able to do at the end of a segment.  These specify a) the audience, b) demonstrable skills that will result, c) any tools that will be leveraged, and d) the degree to which the learner will achieve the desired result.  For example: “Functional Managers will be able to develop a 5-to-7-minute presentation deck by themselves using the company template 95% of the time”, or “Line workers will be able to completely assemble the submodule using the robotic system 99.6% of the time”. 

looks_twoSelect best-fit delivery methods for each learning objective 


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