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Conducting Robust and Impactful Group Talent Reviews for Increased Equity and Fairness.

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How it works

A Talent Review process is a formal, structured, tiered progression of meetings that increases the objectivity, transparency, awareness, and fairness of employee capability and potential assessments. Similar to a “talent calibration” session or process, these meetings go beyond discussing and agreeing on replacement candidates and their development needs and cover a wider and more strategic range of topics related to the identification and replacement of key roles and incumbents.

looks_oneDetermine meeting topics/agenda items

Because these sessions are more strategic, they typically start with a review of the business imperatives, followed by discussions about the people, development needs, and opportunities. Typical topics include:

  • Review of the enterprise strategic plan or business unit plan.
  • Successors for top and key roles (plus strengths and development needs).
  • Successors for critical roles (plus strengths and development needs).
  • High potentials (plus strengths and development needs).
  • Open/currently vacant roles and possible replacements.
  • Job fit or performance issues in top and key roles.
  • Talent-sharing opportunities (across business units, functions, and locations).
  • Development opportunities or assignments needed and available.
  • Key succession metrics for each unit being discussed.

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