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Crafting Job Profiles to Attract the Right Talent.

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Wowledge Expert Team
Principal level
511 Wows earned

How it works

A well-crafted job profile is a critical alignment and marketing tool to attract the right talent to the organization and to the position in particular. Its purpose is to ensure that key requirements are accurately and effectively communicated to establish preliminary alignment of applicants as well as selling the company and position to prospective candidates. 

looks_oneIntegrate requirements

There are general and specific requirements that need to be gathered to create the job profile, including: 

  • The employee value proposition (EVP) 
  • Information initially integrated to define recruiting needs in alignment with business strategy and the recruitment forecast
  • History and overviews of the functional area and functional area dynamics.
  • Particulars of the position responsibilities and working relationships.
  • Key requisites needed by the candidate.

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