Shaping Company Culture and the Employee Experience to Enhance Alignment and Impact on Desired Outcomes.

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Stephanie Quarls
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63 Wows earned

How it works

A company’s culture can be broadly defined as the beliefs, values, and attitudes the company sets that influence the behaviors of the employees and how they do work. Executives are in a unique position to support the desired culture of the company because they help set the tone for their own organization. As a transitioning executive, it’s immensely valuable to understand these aspects early on and assess how well their new team aligns (or perhaps does not align). Understanding the culture of the company and how to successfully work within those guidelines can be the difference between a good and a great executive.

If a strong culture does not exist, the executive has an opportunity to help shape their organization and how they do work to align with the overall objectives of the company’s leaders. In either situation, it’s critical that the executive not only understands the company’s culture, but clearly defines how their team will work to support these endeavors. This will help an executive analyze the current culture and determine any steps that they should take to improve their organization’s alignment with it.

looks_oneUnderstand the overall company culture


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Executive Transitions - Practice guide (L3 - Emerging)

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