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Selecting and Developing Employee Coaches and Mentors as Internal Resources.

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Wowledge Expert Team
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How it works

Selecting and developing internal coaches and mentors requires planning and structure to ensure that a) the right people are in place and b) they are properly prepared and managed to provide guidance and development to individuals in the most impactful roles in the organization. After developing selection criteria, they should be recruited and screened against the criteria, then put through the development programs. The successful graduates of the training can then be assigned coachees and/or mentees and put through ongoing evaluation processes and reinforcement programs. 

looks_oneCreate criteria and standards for internal coaches and mentors

When selecting individuals to be trained and serve as internal coaches or mentors, care should be taken to ensure that they have the right mix of skills, experience, and motivation to perform the duties and responsibilities of the roles effectively. Generally speaking, their motivation should be focused on the development of others, their experience should include having been coached and/or mentored, and they should have some level of experience as a leader and manager, regardless of function. Criteria to consider when evaluating candidates for coaching or mentoring roles includes: 


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