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Creating Group Coaching and Mentoring Programs to Broaden and Syndicate the Potential for Impact.

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Wowledge Expert Team
Principal level
511 Wows earned

How it works

As a coaching and mentoring culture progresses, its effect is felt throughout the organization. The key at this level is to syndicate the use of coaching and mentoring deeper into the ranks to 1) expose more employees to the benefits of tailored development techniques, 2) deliver coaching and mentoring more efficiently to targeted groups of employees, and 3) subject a wider range of employees to the skills and benefits of coaching and mentoring that they will be more likely to use themselves in the future.

looks_oneIdentifying and articulating the purpose of group programs

Group programs leverage the power of multiple minds collaborating on a set of individual issues to share solutions and actions that an individual alone would not identify. Such programs are designed to engage cohorts of similarly situated employees in sharing their challenges and potential solutions – most often (non-technical) interpersonal and professional/career skills based.


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