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Leveraging Technology that Supports Coaching and Mentoring Programs.

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Wowledge Expert Team
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127 Wows earned

How it works

The opportunity to scale coaching and mentoring programs can be enabled with a host of technological options that offer online administration and program management capabilities. Such platforms offer some combination of administrative functionalities with coach matching, live coaching, access to learning and support materials, and even a cadre of pre-selected, prescreened, and qualified coaches. With pricing appropriate for the level of many employees, such technologies are democratizing the use of one-on-one coaching and mentoring as a highly personalized development activity that used to be the sole domain of executives.

looks_oneSelect coaching administration support software

Technology exists for companies who wish to recruit and engage their own cadre of external (contractor) coaches and support their internal coaches with planning and tracking software. Such software simplifies and centralizes coaching registration, selection, session scheduling, goal management, and process/outcome measurement. They tend to integrate with multiple platforms used in corporations and can serve not only the coaching or mentoring program administrators but the administrative needs of the coaches themselves.


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