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Futureproofing HR by Anticipating Talent Needs and Market Trends.

Top creators

Tim Williams
Advisor level
511 Wows earned

How it works

Establishing leading HR processes and capabilities will go a long way to drive success in the digital organization. But HR can go further to future-proof itself and achieve long-term success.

looks_oneUse marketplace data and research reports to predict workforce needs.

HR must consider external factors that apply to its organization and the industry in which it competes. It can better assess its impact on the organization and refine HR strategy and priorities accordingly by utilizing data from HR market research reports. This will allow the function to gain insights into the latest trends and best practices. For example, HR can use external data to make informed decisions about compensation and benefits, recruiting strategies, training methodologies, and more. Talent marketplaces can help HR find the right employees to meet the organization’s needs by matching their skills with appropriate opportunities. 


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