Organizational Adaptation


Deploy strategies, models, experiences, and the diversity of thought that organizations need to adapt, evolve, and sustain business relevancy and success.

Core Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practices to Promote Organizational Equality.

DEI improves business outcomes when organizations first assess DEI to understand strengths and gaps, define a DEI strategy, and develop a governance structure... more »

Advanced Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practices to Diversify the Workforce.

Employers who understand the value of DEI intentionally widen the candidate talent pool to increase diversity, remove bias from recruiting, and promote inclusive hiring... more »

Emerging Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practices to Foster an Inclusive Culture.

Companies unlock the full potential of DEI programs when able to align employee incentives, leverage tech-enabled DEI solutions, and expand DEI practices beyond HR... more »

Core Change Management Practices to Engage Stakeholders and Drive Sustained Adoption.

Change Management is a set of activities to help a company minimize resistance to change, garner support for change, and accelerate value realization... more »

Advanced Change Management Practices to Enable Large-scale Organization Transformations.

Advanced change management practices enable organizations to successfully launch fundamental transformations that require a high degree of change... more »

Emerging Change Management Practices to Grow the Company’s Change Capacity.

In response to exponential transformation, companies should strive to create organizational change capacity, manage their change portfolio, and foster a culture of change... more »

Core HR Practices to Activate the Digital Transformation Journey.

Lead digital innovation from the HR front. Uncover core practices and strategies to overhaul your organizational culture and operations effectively... more »

Advanced HR Practices that Accelerate the New Digital Reality.

Leverage HR to drive digital success. Explore advanced practices that position HR as a thought leader in harnessing business and human capital value... more »

Emerging HR Practices for Futureproofing the Digital Organization.

Secure the future of your digital enterprise. Review emerging practices to devise strategic HR plans that minimize the impact of unforeseen changes... more »

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