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Conducting a Formal Wellness Assessment to Identify Critical Priorities for Driving Employee Well-being and Talent Outcomes.

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Allessandria Polizzi
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How it works

As the environment for wellness is more clearly understood, it is necessary to identify programs and offerings that will help protect worker health and support those who become ill or injured. The HR function, as the key driver of this process, should avoid the common mistake of identifying solutions before it is clear what needs these programs are addressing. Vendors, insurance brokers, associations, news articles, and individuals can advocate for a specific app, contest, training program, or other activity, putting pressure on the team to go forward with ideas instead of focusing on the needs and purpose of the total wellness strategy.

An assessment of this nature provides a more quantitative and data-based approach. It also enables measurement of progress and the impact of the investments made when conducted regularly. However, many organizations are now limiting the number of surveys or assessments distributed to workers, as too many can cause a decrease in participation or the quality of responses. If this is the case, there are a few alternatives:

  • Include wellness questions in an existing survey
  • Pepper a question a week or more to gather input more slowly
  • Use data from an existing survey to identify the organization’s needs
  • Conduct a focus group to gather feedback (making sure that it is a representative sample of the employee population)
  • Review health data, such as typical injuries or highest benefit costs 
  • Target high-injury or illness-prone functions, operations, or roles


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