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Accessing Actionable HR Practices

Accessing Actionable HR Practices

Carlos Larracilla Carlos Larracilla
6 minute read

HR leaders and their teams are facing highly complex times with lingering post-pandemic effects, increased demands for hybrid work, a changing generational mix, technological advancements from the widespread adoption of AI, and other labor market forces. All combine to exacerbate engagement and retention issues, requiring companies to prioritize a people-first culture and attend to the overall well-being needs of employees. It demands ever more effective HR programs enabled by actionable HR practices and processes at a time when it is also imperative to conserve resources to minimize the impact of still uncertain economic conditions and avoid layoffs.

More than ever, there is a critical need for practical, proven, and, better yet, cost-effective ways to advance HR programs that can significantly impact the employee experience and allow organizations to increase the attraction, retention, and engagement of their best talent. What's needed is access to HR guidance that is actionable.

Nonetheless, accessing these types of best practices remains, at times, elusive. Often, searching for information about leading and actionable HR practices is time-consuming and frustrating. Little practical information is available, and many sources focus only on broad areas or simple lists with recommendations. These resources are not comprehensive in all the critical talent and organizational-related topics and do not address how to implement an end-to-end program. This includes AI tools flooding the market that, given their nature, produce information that is not necessarily tested or based on real-world experience.

Where should an HR professional go for reliable, credible, and useful guidance on establishing new or upgrading existing HR practices, processes, and programs when seeking direction about how to design or redesign an HR capability?

The usual suspects

Books, articles, websites, and other resources that offer insights into leading practices steer readers towards what is possible but only represent a single concept or source of information in a series of great ideas. They often lack insights into the specific steps to take when designing a process or program that fits the existing or desired culture, the company’s current level of sophistication, and its readiness or ability to accept specific improvements.

Advice about leading HR practices is not enough. It has to be actionable and known to work in different corporate settings. The issue comes down to what is often missing—the details and steps to be taken that are typically brought into the design by outside consultants and field experts.  

Other alternatives to access real lessons learned are forums or channels where professionals can ask questions and get recommendations from other HR professionals. It is a great way to connect with a community to get opinions, only it has limitations. Questions often go unanswered, and when responses are provided, they do not always give enough information to be able to define what to do. In other cases, examples are provided without an explanation of how to design, implement, and operate a particular initiative, or answers may not represent the most realistic or successful solutions available.

Real-world actionable guidance

What is needed is a resource that does the heavy lifting for the busy HR practitioner – reviewing and curating what is most significant from the multiple sources and then blending the different concepts and opinions into a cogent set of recommendations based on decades of experience that identify what is most needed and valuable.

Wowledge combines maturity considerations with leading practices at multiple levels of sophistication—what is referred to as “progressions” that guide the user from the most fundamental building blocks to the most cutting-edge and impactful practices. 

Each leading practice includes crucial elements of the design and development cycle—key questions to ask, critical considerations, tools to guide or inform that thinking, and the steps to take when identifying requirements, selecting elements to add or upgrade, and designing solutions.  

Actionable guidance – how-to direction on building and enhancing effective HR practices - is core to managing the HR function, particularly for small and growing HR teams focused on a continuous improvement regimen.

Wowledge fulfills the need for an “HR Processes Recipe Book” platform, where HR professionals can find the ingredients and steps for all the essential programs and practices they need. It is a reference to go back to when needed and detailed enough to understand how to implement any initiative.

Enter Wowledge

Wowledge is the on-demand expertise partner for HR leaders who are building and advancing strategic people programs where they can access up-to-date topic packages comprised of level-specific actionable practices, step-by-step guides, tools, templates, and insights to accelerate the implementation of all their key HR programs.

It represents a modern, all-in-one source for HR professionals to learn from seasoned experts and access actionable best practices for every stage of their organizations. Purpose-built for small, midsize, and growing HR teams, Wowledge delivers the expertise needed to evaluate, build, and advance effective HR programs. Level-based topic packages progress from core to advanced to emerging practices. These guides provide the necessary know-how to implement programs that can transform all HR processes.

Wowledge combines the expertise of a big HR consultancy with the agility of an on-demand service to offer a new way for HR professionals to obtain the necessary know-how and implement effective people programs needed to produce exceptional employee experiences. Wowledge’s curated content comes from its network of seasoned HR experts with management consulting and corporate HR leadership backgrounds. Expert progression-based topic guides and best practices are continuously updated through its collaborative platform, equipping HR professionals with the know-how to advance their people programs. Anytime. Anywhere.

At Wowledge, we are on a mission...

"To make strategic HR programs and practices accessible to any organization, regardless of size, stage, or sophistication level.”

We deliver on this promise by:

1.  Leveraging technology to create an intelligent STRATEGIC HR ROADMAP tool so you can quickly identify where to focus your efforts and select the right initiatives to solve your most pressing HR challenges.

2.  Developing a SCALABLE SYSTEM OF BEST PRACTICES to equip your team and meet you where you are to progress according to your growing aspirations.

3.  Bringing together the collective experiences of a seasoned COMMUNITY OF EXPERTS to ensure recommended practices are actionable, proven, and always up to date.

4.  Providing AFFORDABLE YEAR-ROUND ACCESS through inclusive subscription options to support your organization's changing needs and priorities.

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