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Carlos Larracilla

Carlos Larracilla

I am a co-founder and the CEO of Wowledge. My career expands nearly three decades of experience as a top management consultant for Deloitte and Accenture, a global HR executive, and a serial entrepreneur. I am also a graduate of Babson College's MBA and Tulane University's Entrepreneurship program. 

Throughout my career, I have helped some of the most recognized Fortune 500 companies and nascent organizations create best-in-class strategic HR programs.

Then, during the last years of my over ten-year tenure as a leader with Deloitte Consulting, I realized that while these efforts resulted in significant impacts, positioning those companies as employers of choice, climbing to the top of the ‘best companies to work for,’ and ultimately nurturing exceptional employee experiences in line with achieving ambitious business goals. It was all only for the few!  So, I decided to walk away in pursuit of a mission…

“To make strategic HR programs and practices accessible to any organization, regardless of size, stage, or sophistication level.”

Wowledge delivers on this promise by:

1.  Leveraging technology to create an intelligent STRATEGIC HR ROADMAP tool so you can quickly identify where to focus your efforts and select the right initiatives to solve your most pressing HR challenges.

2.  Developing a SCALABLE SYSTEM OF BEST PRACTICES to equip your team and meet you where you are to progress according to your growing aspirations.

3.  Bringing together the collective experiences of a seasoned COMMUNITY OF EXPERTS to ensure recommended practices are actionable, proven, and always up to date.

4.  Providing AFFORDABLE YEAR-ROUND ACCESS through inclusive subscription options to support your organization's changing needs and priorities.

Let me know how I can help.
Email: [email protected]

Adopting a Balanced Approach to Creating a Strategic HR Organization

Adopting a Balanced Approach to Creating a Strategic HR Organization

Carlos Larracilla

Carlos Larracilla 11/13/2023 10:49pm 7 minute read

Insights | Spotlight

Collaborative HR Expertise for Up-to-Date Practices and Insights

Collaborative HR Expertise for Up-to-Date Practices and Insights

Carlos Larracilla

Carlos Larracilla 04/02/2023 2:06pm 6 minute read


An All-in-One Source for HR Teams

An All-in-One Source for HR Teams

Carlos Larracilla

Carlos Larracilla 03/26/2023 2:23pm 6 minute read


Progressive HR Guidance to Advance People Programs

Progressive HR Guidance to Advance People Programs

Carlos Larracilla

Carlos Larracilla 03/19/2023 12:26pm 7 minute read


Accessing Actionable HR Practices

Accessing Actionable HR Practices

Carlos Larracilla

Carlos Larracilla 03/13/2023 12:38am 6 minute read
