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Conducting Performance Consulting-based Learning Needs Assessments for Specialized Solutions.

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How it works

“Performance Consulting” is the act of resolving workplace performance shortcomings by using a disciplined approach to learning needs assessments. It is designed to look beyond the immediate causes of issues with a more systematic search for causes and influences of performance issues that can be addressed by learning and development programs through comprehensive assessment, analysis, solution identification, and outcome evaluation. 

looks_oneEngage with functional leaders to discuss individual and organizational performance shortfalls and align on desired outcomes

Sometimes referred to as “contracting” or “intake interviews” with the functional manager, discussions are an effective way to get a clear definition of the issue(s) and desired outcome(s) states.  It is during these meetings that the client is asked to describe the organization’s mission/purpose, strategic goals, current performance, and existing strengths and weaknesses or challenges. 


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