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Defining Recruiting Needs in Alignment with Business Strategy.

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511 Wows earned

How it works

A foundational element for effective recruiting strategy and sourcing is an attractive “Employee Value Proposition (EVP)” or “Employer Branding”  that showcases where the organization stands in a number of key areas, including: 

  • The company’s purpose (mission, vision, and values) and how it is organized.
  • Rewards it provides, encompassing of compensation philosophy, benefits, and other perks.
  • Work location policy (on-site, remote, or hybrid).
  • Types of careers, opportunities, and work activities.
  • What its current people and culture are like.
  • Commitments on subjects that the organization cares about such as DE&I efforts.

Based on the size, complexity, and aspirations of the organization, it should be decided if one all-inclusive EVP is sufficient or if diverse interrelated versions are needed to effectively target different workforce segments , talent groups, or worker/employee personas.  


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