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Preparing to Widen the Candidate Talent Pool to Increase Diversity of Thought, Background, and Experience.

Top creators

Ayanna Warrington
Expert level
511 Wows earned

How it works

Widening the talent pool enables organizations to change the composition of their workforce and unlock the power of increased diversity of thought, background, and experience. However, diversity recruitment begins before a job posting is ever listed. Organizations should intentionally communicate their commitment to DEI, develop a diversity recruiting plan, and rethink traditional hiring approaches before proactively engaging job seekers. 

DEI is an increasingly important priority for employers because it matters to job seekers. A recent study found that 39% of workers have declined a job offer because they did not believe that the hiring company valued inclusivity . These numbers were even higher for the women, racial/ethnic minorities, and LGBTQIA+ community members who are often the targets of diversity recruitment efforts.

looks_oneUpdate employer brand to showcase diversity


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