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Mapping the Organizational Landscape to Establish the Current State and Future Needs.

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Tim Williams
Advisor level
127 Wows earned

How it works

Surveying the organizational landscape to identify talent needs, workforce shifts and strategies, and organizational design and operating changes is critical to driving transformation. The digital shifts in the organization will open new ways of working, leading to new paths to value. HR must analyze the environment and understand how to address the human capital needs to achieve transformation objectives.

looks_oneDefine and prioritize the organization and talent ambitions.

Central to digital transformation will be how work is performed across the organization. HR must work with digital transformation stakeholders to understand how the expected digital future will shape the organization structure, reporting relationships, and interactions between functions, units, business lines, and geographies that run the business. HR will need to analyze gaps between the current state and the ambitions of the digital transformation to determine how the organization will need to evolve. 


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