Core Digital Transformation: The Role of HR

Refining the HR Strategy for the Digital Future.
Refining the HR Strategy for the Digital Future.

HR serves to enable the enterprise through its people. The HR strategy for the organization is dynamic and should be tailored to the direction of the enterprise and designed to ... more »

Mapping the Organizational Landscape to Establish the Current State and Future Needs.
Mapping the Organizational Landscape to Establish the Current State and Future Needs.

Surveying the organizational landscape to identify talent needs, workforce shifts and strategies, and organizational design and operating changes is critical to driving ... more »

Determining HR Partnering Opportunities for Delivery to Maximize Impact.
Determining HR Partnering Opportunities for Delivery to Maximize Impact.

Digital transformation will require several significant initiatives, each with potentially time- and resource-intensive needs. And as already mentioned, digital transformation will ... more »

Defining and Updating the HR Initiative Timeline Plan for Proper Resourcing.
Defining and Updating the HR Initiative Timeline Plan for Proper Resourcing.

Purposeful and efficient use of HR resourcing is critical to success. An HR initiative timeline plan will illustrate the necessary investment and improvement areas in focus for the ... more »

Preparing the Organization for Digital Transformation to Manage the Change.
Preparing the Organization for Digital Transformation to Manage the Change.

Any transformation benefits from a guiding hand that helps navigate the journey’s challenges. HR can significantly guide the organization and shape the experience, culture, ... more »

The Digital Transformation Initiative Catalogue: Document, Sequence, and Analyze Identified Initiatives of a Digital Transformation.
The Digital Transformation Initiative Catalogue: Document, Sequence, and Analyze Identified Initiatives of a Digital Transformation.

This template provides the structure to document initiatives HR identifies as part of the organization’s digital transformation. It allows HR to analyze, weigh, prioritize, ... more »

The Stakeholder Engagement Plan Template: Identify Needs and Activities to Support Stakeholders During Digital Transformation.
The Stakeholder Engagement Plan Template: Identify Needs and Activities to Support Stakeholders During Digital Transformation.

Analyzing stakeholder interests and the impact of digital transformation efforts on them is critical to proper engagement planning. HR should identify the stakeholders it must work ... more »

The RACI Matrix Tool: Assign Type of Involvement Across Roles for Critical Tasks.
The RACI Matrix Tool: Assign Type of Involvement Across Roles for Critical Tasks.

The RACI matrix should be used as a resource allocation management tool. Use this RACI tool to denote specific responsibilities to key roles related to the digital transformation ... more »

The Initiative Timeline Plan Template: Depict Critical Activities to Implement to Fulfill the Digital Transformation Strategy.
The Initiative Timeline Plan Template: Depict Critical Activities to Implement to Fulfill the Digital Transformation Strategy.

The Initiative Timeline Plan is a pictorial representation of the major initiatives for the digital transformation. The position of the activities on the calendar indicates the ... more »

Talent Strategy Technologies: Deep Dive.
Talent Strategy Technologies: Deep Dive.

Elevate the impact of Talent Strategies. Explore technologies to standardize processes, generate insights, and predict future staffing requirements... more »

Talent Management Measurement: Deep Dive.
Talent Management Measurement: Deep Dive.

Go deep into Talent Management Measurement. Explore the KPIs, Process, and Outcome Metrics relevant to measure its effectiveness, efficiency, and impact... more »

HR Strategy Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.
HR Strategy Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals on HR Strategy. Uncover its value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs and essential resources... more »

Talent Marketplace Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.
Talent Marketplace Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals on Talent Marketplaces. Uncover their value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs and essential resources... more »

Lessons Learned in Preparing for the Future of Work: Perspectives.
Lessons Learned in Preparing for the Future of Work: Perspectives.

Learn how to prepare effectively for the future of work. Explore recommendations from Thought Leaders on what works to solve one of HR’s key challenges... more »

Critical Cultural Elements Needed to Prepare for the Future of Work: Perspectives.
Critical Cultural Elements Needed to Prepare for the Future of Work: Perspectives.

Learn how to prepare effectively for the future of work. Explore recommendations from Thought Leaders on what works to solve one of HR’s key challenges... more »

Advice for Leaders and Managers on How to Prepare for the Future of Work: Perspectives.
Advice for Leaders and Managers on How to Prepare for the Future of Work: Perspectives.

Learn how to prepare effectively for the future of work. Explore recommendations from Thought Leaders on what works to solve one of HR’s key challenges... more »

Lessons Learned in Adapting to Changing Conditions: Perspectives.
Lessons Learned in Adapting to Changing Conditions: Perspectives.

Learn how to adapt to changing conditions effectively. Explore recommendations from Thought Leaders on what works to solve one of HR’s key challenges... more »

Critical Cultural Elements Needed to Adapt to Changing Conditions: Perspectives.
Critical Cultural Elements Needed to Adapt to Changing Conditions: Perspectives.

Learn how to adapt to changing conditions effectively. Explore recommendations from Thought Leaders on what works to solve one of HR’s key challenges... more »

Advice for Leaders and Managers on How to Adapt to Changing Conditions: Perspectives.
Advice for Leaders and Managers on How to Adapt to Changing Conditions: Perspectives.

Learn how to adapt to changing conditions effectively. Explore recommendations from Thought Leaders on what works to solve one of HR’s key challenges... more »

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