Organizational Alignment


Create a vision and plan with clear direction for HR functions and programs, as well as the way people and capabilities should be set up to achieve business objectives.

Core HR Strategy Practices to Define a Foundational Direction for the HR Function.

Create an HR Strategy with effective practices for a foundational HR Organization. Explore the multi-year approach to the management of the HR function... more »

Advanced HR Strategy Practices to Plan for Delivery of Impactful HR Services and Support.

Select ever more effective HR service delivery models. Leverage workforce analysis. Use technology to deliver optimized services that meet business needs... more »

Emerging HR Strategy Practices for Engaging Employees and External Partners Now and Into the Future.

Create an HR function that focuses on how to optimize the employee experience. Partner with external stakeholders to drive the future of work... more »

Core Workforce Planning Practices to Identify Near-term Headcount Needs.

Workforce Planning is a process that identifies the current level of employee headcount, assesses future needs, and generates an employee replacement analysis... more »

Advanced Workforce Planning Practices that Provide Dynamic and Targeted Supply and Demand Insights.

Advanced workforce planning practices make projections of employee supply and demand at a role level, creating a more refined view of talent needs and availability... more »

Emerging Workforce Planning Practices that Drive Broader Skills-based and Future-focused Staffing Projections.

Workforce planning that focuses on the future with a refined level of detail, moving the analysis from roles and critical segments to specific organizational capabilities... more »

Core Organizational Design Practices To Align The Organization With Business Strategy.

Organizational design includes activities to design and implement an organization that can enable the pursuit of the business strategy and organizational goals... more »

Advanced Organizational Design Practices That Enhance Coordination.

Effective coordination requires all aspects of the organization to be deliberately designed to work together to help the organization accomplish its goals... more »

Emerging Organizational Design Practices to Create Agility.

To remain flexible in the face of unpredictability, organizations need to continuously develop networks, implement agile teams, and assess emerging technologies... more »

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