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HR Strategy

Defining business-based human resource strategies that guide a comprehensive approach to the management of the HR function's structure, governance, programs, policies, and practices.

Documents included in this package

Level 1 - Core

Understanding Business Strategies to Align the HR Direction.

Core to the development of an HR strategy is building an understanding of the key business strategies and initiatives that must be accomplished during the term of the plan. These ... more »

Assessing External and Internal Business Trends, Pressures, and Drivers of HR Strategy.

An important step in the development of a comprehensive HR strategy is researching and determining factors that are currently (or projected to be) operating in an environment both ... more »

Engaging Leadership in Defining and Governing an HR Strategy.

Top Leadership buy-in and alignment with HR strategies is a core element of quality HR strategic planning. While there are numerous ways to achieve such ongoing support, the notion ... more »

Developing a Base Strategy that Provides Guidance on HR Direction, Initiatives, Objectives, and Goals.

Developing a plan involves leveraging the outcomes of the various discovery activities, organizing them into a logical flow, and translating those insights into HR responses and ... more »

The External Environmental Scan Tool: Capture and Categorize Factors Outside of the Company’s Scope Impacting its Objectives.

Analyze Key External Factors Impacting Business’s Objectives. Identify barriers and enablers to consider in an HR Strategy. [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Internal Environmental Scan Tool: Capture and Categorize Factors Internal to the Company Impacting its Objectives.

Analyze Key Internal Factors Impacting Business’s Objectives. Identify barriers and enablers to consider in an HR Strategy. [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Goals & Trends Conversion Tool: Translate Barriers and Enablers into HR Challenges for the Development of Strategic Objectives.

Translate Barriers and Enablers into HR Challenges. Develop strategic objectives in an HR Strategy. [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The HR Council Structure Template: Define the Mission and Make-up of a Governing Body to Guide and Support the HR Function.

Define the Mission and Make-up of a Governing Body to Support the HR Function. Generate business buy-in for HR activities. [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The HR Business Challenge Goal Conversion Tool: Translate Identified Challenges into Clear and Distinct HR Goals.

Translate Identified Challenges into Clear and Distinct HR Goals. Craft an HR Strategy that provides actionable direction. [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Goal Assignment Template: Document and Formally Assign Business-aligned HR Goals to Individuals or HR Teams.

Document and Assign Business-aligned HR Goals to Individuals and HR Teams. Track ownership and due dates during the year. [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

Level 2 - Advanced

Leveraging Workforce Planning and Analysis to Assess the Current State of Key Employee Segments.

In its most basic form, a workforce planning effort builds an estimate of future headcount supply and demand for roles in the organization, with a subsequent gap analysis that ... more »

Evaluating and Selecting an HR Service Delivery Model that Optimizes Short and Longer-term Impact.

Before determining how to structure an HR team, a set of considerations should be reviewed regarding the "operating or service delivery model" to be implemented. The model is ... more »

Structuring the HR Organization to Best Meet Business Needs.

The design of an HR organizational model requires considering a number of potential factors - the available HR budget, business organizational structure, business and HR strategic ... more »

Using Technology to Deliver Streamlined HR Services and Insights.

HR Technology has advanced to a level where it is currently capable of offering scalable productivity gains in processing HR transactions, with emerging technologies capable of ... more »

The Talent Gap Analysis Goal ID Tool: Capture Critical Role Staffing Challenges and “6Bs” Strategic Talent Management Responses.

Capture Critical Role Staffing Challenges. Use the “6Bs” Strategic Talent Management Options to Respond. [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

Level 3 - Emerging

Creating an Employee Experience that Bonds High Performers to the Organization.

The employee experience constitutes the entire journey an employee takes with the organization. This includes everything from pre-hire to post-exit interactions and everything in ... more »

Partnering with External Stakeholders to Build Internal Success Stories.

As a company does not exist in a vacuum, it should not only recognize but actively participate in the larger communities to which it belongs or is involved. By engaging proactively ... more »

Leveraging Outsourcing for Cost-effective Services and Solutions.

A key element of planning HR strategies involves the decision to build internal capabilities vs. outsource those to a partner organization. This decision tends to be based on two ... more »

Establishing an HR Organization that Drives the ‘Future of Work’ Across the Business.

The "Future of Work" is a construct based on three major components - future or forthcoming changes in work method ("what" is done), the makeup of the worker population ("who does ... more »

Related Documents

Developing a Winning Talent Strategy to Identify Key Capabilities and the Most Appropriate Workforce Mix.

A talent strategy defines the talent needs and associated objectives necessary to meet top business goals. It is both an integral part of the HR strategic plan [R] and a direct ... more »

Establishing a Core Talent Management Strategy to Set Priorities and a Strategic Roadmap.

As a company defines its business strategy, each function must align its objectives and actions to support its strategic goals. Talent management strategy is a key process that the ... more »

Conducting Workforce Segmentation to Focus on the Most Valued Positions.

Workforce Segmentation describes the process of categorizing roles in the organization and determining the value of each relative to the strategic objectives of the company. The ... more »

Integrated Talent and Organizational Sustainment Framework: Deep Dive.

Establish a Strategic HR Organization. Review and adopt the five dimensions of the Integrated Talent and Organizational Sustainment Framework... more »

Strategic HR Plan Components and Timeline: Deep Dive.

Go deep into a Strategic HR Plan. Review its core components and timeline. Learn the differences and applications of the 3 types of strategic HR plans... more »

HR Priorities Qualification and Business Involvement: Deep Dive.

Go deep into the qualitative & quantitative methods to define HR priorities. Learn strategies for involving the business through the HR planning process... more »

Strategic HR Initiatives: Deep Dive.

Explore Strategic HR Initiatives examples. Learn the type of criteria needed for adapting each initiative to the specific context of the organization... more »

Talent Strategies Options: Deep Dive.

Explore different types of Talent Strategies & Models. Learn how and when to apply the most effective strategy to secure critical skills & capabilities... more »

Talent Strategy Technologies: Deep Dive.

Elevate the impact of Talent Strategies. Explore technologies to standardize processes, generate insights, and predict future staffing requirements... more »

Talent Management Measurement: Deep Dive.

Go deep into Talent Management Measurement. Explore the KPIs, Process, and Outcome Metrics relevant to measure its effectiveness, efficiency, and impact... more »

Talent Management in Employee Engagement: Deep Dive.

Explore how Talent Management contributes to Employee Engagement. Learn effective interventions and the moments that matter throughout an employee journey... more »

HR’s Evolving Role: Deep Dive.

Learn how each core function is transforming. Review the 15 most critical evolving and emerging HR roles, their shifting priorities, and skills to excel... more »

HR Coaching and Consulting Relationship with the Business: Deep Dive.

Explore 12 strategies CHROs & HRBPs employ to engage & collaborate with business leaders. Uncover the top skills required as an effective business advisor... more »

CHRO Success Profile: Deep Dive.

Go deep into the CHRO Success Profile. Learn how CHROs can be more strategic as Growth Officers by uncovering the most critical initiatives to undertake... more »

HR Business Partner Success Profile: Deep Dive.

Go deep into the HR Business Partner Success Profile. Learn how HRBPs can be more strategic by uncovering the most critical initiatives to undertake... more »

HR Manager, HR Generalist, and HR Business Partner Role Differences: Deep Dive.

Go deep into the differences between HR Manager, HR Generalist, and HRBP roles. Uncover their top goals, objectives & responsibilities [+Skills Summary]... more »

Strategic HR Management Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals of Strategic HR Management. Uncover its value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs, and essential resources... more »

HR Strategy Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals on HR Strategy. Uncover its value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs and essential resources... more »

Talent Strategy Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals on Talent Strategy. Uncover its value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs and essential resources... more »

Talent Management Strategy Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals on Talent Management Strategy. Uncover its value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs and essential resources... more »

People Operations Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals on People Operations. Uncover its value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs and essential resources... more »

Lessons Learned in Aligning with Business Goals: Perspectives.

Learn how to align with business goals effectively. Explore recommendations from Thought Leaders on what works to solve one of HR’s key challenges... more »

Critical Cultural Elements Needed to Drive Alignment with Business Goals: Perspectives.

Learn how to align with business goals effectively. Explore recommendations from Thought Leaders on what works to solve one of HR’s key challenges... more »

Advice for Leaders and Managers on How to Align with Business Goals: Perspectives.

Learn how to align with business goals effectively. Explore recommendations from Thought Leaders on what works to solve one of HR’s key challenges... more »

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