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The Workplace Wellness Maturity Assessment: Identify an Organization’s Wellness Culture Current State and Maturity Level.

Top creators

Allessandria Polizzi
Advisor level
63 Wows earned


This tool provides a framework to evaluate an organization’s current wellness culture and practices. It identifies strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth, helping organizations pinpoint obstacles to wellness implementation and align their strategy with leading industry practices.

How to use this tool

The template facilitates the assessment of the organization’s current state and maturity level, keeping in mind that different teams or departments may exhibit varying levels of maturity. Use the model to guide discussions on where to focus efforts.

  1. Review each category (Beliefs, Behaviors, Benefits, Boundaries, Blind Spots) and select the description that best aligns with the organization’s current state.
  2. Count the number of selections in each column to determine where the organization falls along the maturity continuum.
  3. Reference the Workplace Wellness Maturity Framework to gain deeper insight into the selected stage and identify actionable recommendations for advancing to the next stage.


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