The Process to Outcomes Translation Tool: Convert HR Strategies and Processes into Representative Metrics.

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The Process to Outcomes Translation tool is designed as a guide to creating metrics that represent HR's impact on the business. The tool provides a step-by-step translation of HR processes into metrics that represent not how the process is operating in a vacuum, but rather how it is accomplishing the "true" reason for its existence - to drive improvements in the business’s operations. It raises the bar for HR metrics such that they become indicators of HR's contributions in a manner to which functional managers can relate - how the processes impact managers’ abilities to produce business results.

It is a critical distinction between "old school" HR, which measured the number of hires in a given year vs. the number of quality hires in a given year. The former represents a purely process view, whereas the latter serves as a more nuanced and impactful measure of HR's ability to help managers create greater value from the workforce.

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