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Tailoring Processes by Critical Role Segments to Address their Unique Needs and Preferences.

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At this level, performance management processes, criteria, and associated rewards are frequently tailored to specific talent segments and their unique needs. While not done for all jobs or functions, some tend to stand out as having unique needs and enough employees to justify tailoring. Generally, no more than 10% of total jobs have a unique performance evaluation. 

looks_oneIdentify critical talent segments

It is a good idea to start with the results of any critical workforce segmentation  exercises that have been previously completed. If none have been conducted, then reviewing the various functions in the corporation and asking the following questions is a necessary step.

  1. Which roles, job families, or job levels have a disproportionate and unique impact on the company’s mission and success?

    Common answers include executive roles across industries, product development specialists in consumer products companies, software engineers in technology companies, specialty physicians and nurses in healthcare, or underwriters in insurance companies. 

  2. Which roles, job families, or job levels have a particularly unique set of performance requirements?

    Common answers include customer service representatives in a telecommunications company, outside salespeople in many industries, writers in media, or project managers in construction companies.


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