Performance Management

Aligning, coaching, measuring, and developing individual performance and capabilities with the strategic objectives of the broader organization.

Documents included in this package

Level 1 - Core

Setting Performance and Developmental Goals that Guide Annual Performance Direction.

Goal setting is the process of planning what is to be achieved by an individual in the coming performance period, typically a business year. It is tied directly to the requirements ... more »

Defining the Performance Process for Structured and Reliable Evaluation Cycles.

Creating a standardized process is the start of developing a performance evaluation cycle that is fair and equitable for all employees. This is because the same standards, ... more »

Rating Employee Performance and Competencies Fairly and Equitably.

The core aspect of performance management involves the assessment of individual task execution and contributions, and as such requires the creation of criteria, standards, and a ... more »

Providing Feedback to Support Employee Growth, Productivity, and Improvement.

Providing feedback to employees can be challenging for functional managers and employees alike. There is an art to discussing a year’s worth of work with an employee, ... more »

Making Compensation Decisions that Align with Observed Performance.

Compensation or pay issues generally flow from the performance evaluation – the better the evaluation, the higher the potential rewards. The performance management process ... more »

The Goal Setting Template: Create Individual Goals Linked to Roles, Organizational Objectives, or Individual Development Needs.

Create Individual Goals Linked to Roles, Organizational Objectives, or Individual Development Needs. Ready-to-Use Tool [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Performance Evaluation Form: Capture, Align, and Communicate Employee Performance Against Position Standards and Goals.

Capture, Align, and Communicate Employee Performance Against Position Standards and Goals. Ready-to-Use Tool [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

Level 2 - Advanced

Determining a Performance Management Philosophy and Strategy.

A philosophy clarifies the purpose and envisioned value of performance management in a given company. It defines how the company wants to lead and manage its people. It determines ... more »

Cascading and Updating Strategic Goals that are Aligned with Organizational Objectives.

Creating a formal flow of goals from top executives down to the lowest level employees ensures an alignment of work efforts and objectives from the top to the bottom of the ... more »

Providing Frequent Coaching and Feedback to Adapt and Adjust Performance Throughout the Year.

Coaching & Mentoring is an employee development activity that, in the context of performance management, involves a manager providing feedback and guidance on an ongoing basis ... more »

Separating Performance from Development and Compensation to Create Focus on Work Outcomes Enhancement.

Advanced performance management focuses on performance planning, tracking, assessment, coaching and feedback. While it continues to inform career development and compensation ... more »

The Managers Guide to Performance Conversations Tool: Conduct and Record Regularly Occurring Manager-Employee Performance Conversations.

Conduct and Record Regularly Occurring Manager-Employee Performance Conversations. Ready-to-Use Tool [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Key Events Tracker Tool: Document Key Individual Performance Events for Tracking and Use in the Formal Performance Evaluation.

Document Key Individual Performance Events for Tracking and Use in the Formal Performance Evaluation. Tool + Summary [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

Level 3 - Emerging

Tailoring Processes by Critical Role Segments to Address their Unique Needs and Preferences.

At this level, performance management processes, criteria, and associated rewards are frequently tailored to specific talent segments and their unique needs. While not done for all ... more »

Collecting Robust Performance Feedback for Increased Reliability and Validity.

While traditional performance reviews rely on the observations of a single functional manager, many other individuals can provide useful insights into an individual’s job ... more »

Calibrating Goals and Performance to Enhance Group Equity and Fairness of Performance Evaluations.

Key elements to emerging performance management are the group comparison and alignment of employee goals and performance evaluations. The essence of these practices is to use a ... more »

Matching Clear Criteria to Modern Rewards and Recognition to Drive Targeted Behaviors.

While the processes remain separate in emerging Performance Management, compensation and career development remain integrated with and enabled by it. As such, performance outcomes ... more »

The Talent Segment Tailoring Worksheet Tool: Define Key Differences and Unique Aspects in the Performance Evaluation for Critical Roles.

Define Key Differences and Unique Aspects in the Performance Evaluation for Critical Roles. Ready-to-Use Tool + Summary [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

The Value Ranking of Employees Tool: Capture and Compare the Total Value of Employees’ Contributions to the Organization.

Capture and Compare the Total Value of Employees’ Contributions to the Organization. Ready-to-Use Tool + Summary [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

Related Documents

Conducting Workforce Segmentation to Focus on the Most Valued Positions.

Workforce Segmentation describes the process of categorizing roles in the organization and determining the value of each relative to the strategic objectives of the company. The ... more »

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