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The Manager Coaching Feedback Survey Tool: Define and Apply Basic Questions for Employees Providing Feedback on Managers' Coaching Prowess.

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Using this tool helps assess the quality of line/functional managers’ coaching behaviors from their individual employees.

How to use this tool

This tool functions as a guide to developing questions to assess the extent to which a line manager is providing quality coaching during regular performance check-in or formal discussions. The key is to assess the skills that are the focus of coaching skills training they have received in their management development program(s). This tool should become a regular (e.g., quarterly, semi-annually) evaluation sent to all employees and compiled centrally for tracking and ongoing feedback to managers and their superiors.  In this way, managers can receive feedback throughout the year on the quality of their sessions with direct reports in an aggregated report that displays average ratings by a group of their employees over time. Data should not be reported unless at least three (3) employees have provided feedback at least once during the reporting cycle (to maintain their anonymity).


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