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Raising the HR Profile Within the C-Suite to Enhance Understanding of its Strategic Value.

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Tim Williams
Advisor level
511 Wows earned

How it works

HR must position itself as a thought leader to the rest of the enterprise. To do so, HR must drive vision, strategy, & investment at the C-level of the organization. That requires a focus on deep expertise in HR and how it can help drive the increasingly digital future of the organization through external trend identification and analysis, strategy formulation, and cross-functional governance models that bring together the viewpoints of the full range of operational experts in the organization.

looks_onePosition HR as a thought leader through market research and sharing strategic points of view (POV)

HR is often in a supporting role to the rest of the organization. This creates the tendency to be a reactive partner to the organization, dependent on objectives and vision formed by other functions. While inherently true to how organizations typically operate, a digital transformation offers HR a chance to elevate its profile and position the function as a thought leader for organizational strategy and talent needs. 


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