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Conducting Critical Workforce Segment Gap Analyses to Prioritize Future Talent Plans.

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How it works

A talent segment gap analysis identifies where shortages will likely exist in critical talent roles and provides the basis for replacement planning well in advance of the future loss of individuals in those positions. The key element to this is being as prepared as possible for projected losses due to voluntary turnover, retirement, and transfers to other functions or parts of the company. 

looks_oneIdentify critical skills positions 

Roles are selected that will be the subject of the analysis by reviewing the critical workforce segmentation  analysis for those identified as experiencing the greatest scarcity - those placed in the "critical workforce segment" and "specialists" cells. These roles should be considered for further analysis and planning. It is important to select those for which the shortages are causing the greatest concern. For example, data scientists or nurses for whom the U.S. Census and BLS indicate are in short supply and the NCES provides data showing insufficient numbers of upcoming graduates. Positions such as those should be the highest priority positions for which gap analyses are conducted.  


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