Advanced HR Metrics & Reporting

Identifying Critical Audiences and Tailoring Metrics and Reporting to their Unique Needs.
Identifying Critical Audiences and Tailoring Metrics and Reporting to their Unique Needs.

Critical audiences typically include management from different levels and functions. Interviewing them to receive guidance on their key questions is invaluable to tailoring metrics and reporting. ... more »

Leveraging Multiple HR Systems and Sources When Producing Integrated Metrics.
Leveraging Multiple HR Systems and Sources When Producing Integrated Metrics.

As manager requests grow in sophistication, an appetite for more complex data will rise.  This will most typically include data from numerous HR processes and systems, ... more »

Developing Appropriate Presentation Methods to Best Display Data for Decision Making.
Developing Appropriate Presentation Methods to Best Display Data for Decision Making.

How the data is presented is a key consideration. The primary goals of an Advanced Metrics and Reporting capability include: ... more »

Benchmarking to Compare with External (Professional, Industry, Regional) Standards.
Benchmarking to Compare with External (Professional, Industry, Regional) Standards.

Context is provided by comparing data from one company to that of similar companies. Questions and comments like "How much better or worse are we doing than our competitors?", and ... more »

The Focus Group Summary Tool: Capture and Aggregate the Output of Multiple Focus Groups' Data into a Single Document.
The Focus Group Summary Tool: Capture and Aggregate the Output of Multiple Focus Groups' Data into a Single Document.

Capture and Aggregate the Output of Multiple Focus Groups' Data into a Single Document. Ready-to-Use Tool + Summary [Download Template & Excel File]... more »

Establishing a Core Talent Management Strategy to Set Priorities and a Strategic Roadmap.
Establishing a Core Talent Management Strategy to Set Priorities and a Strategic Roadmap.

As a company defines its business strategy, each function must align its objectives and actions to support its strategic goals. Talent management strategy is a key process that the ... more »

Conducting Workforce Segmentation to Focus on the Most Valued Positions.
Conducting Workforce Segmentation to Focus on the Most Valued Positions.

Workforce Segmentation describes the process of categorizing roles in the organization and determining the value of each relative to the strategic objectives of the company. The ... more »

Talent Management Measurement: Deep Dive.
Talent Management Measurement: Deep Dive.

Go deep into Talent Management Measurement. Explore the KPIs, Process, and Outcome Metrics relevant to measure its effectiveness, efficiency, and impact... more »

Workforce Analytics Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.
Workforce Analytics Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals on Workforce Analytics. Uncover its value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs and essential resources... more »

HR Strategy Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.
HR Strategy Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals on HR Strategy. Uncover its value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs and essential resources... more »

People Operations Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.
People Operations Explainer: Mastering the Fundamentals.

Get started with the fundamentals on People Operations. Uncover its value, latest trends, real-world examples, FAQs and essential resources... more »

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