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The Performance Evaluation Form: Capture, Align, and Communicate Employee Performance Against Position Standards and Goals.

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A template for assessing an individual’s performance over the course of a standard period (e.g., annually). It captures both the employee’s self-assessment and the functional manager’s evaluation, creating an opportunity for side-by-side comparison and discussion between the two.  It includes ratings of positional performance standards, competencies (if applicable), annual performance and developmental goals, and other miscellaneous contributions.   

How to use this tool

Employees complete a listing of job requirements, competencies, and goals (although those may be provided by the company/HR team), rate their performance on each, and add “other contributions” they would like to have considered in the review by the functional managers. The employee then provides the form to the functional manager who reviews and provides edits and ratings in the appropriate columns, with a summary that captures the overall evaluation and justifies the “overall rating” on the form. The process typically requires functional managers to get approvals for the evaluation and overall rating prior to meeting with and communicating to the employee.  


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