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The External Partnerships Alignment Tool: Assess Existing and New Partnerships According to their Fit Across Key Company's Goals.

Top creators

Stephanie Quarls
Expert level
127 Wows earned


A template that helps organize the current list of external partnerships so that they can be measured against the most current goals of the company. It provides an opportunity to assess potential new partnerships (categorized using the Innovation Ambition matrix) and ensure that these align with at least one of the company’s main goals. There is room to provide any additional benefits that may not be covered as a main goal but is still important to assess the overall strength of a partnership. Finally, it allows an executive to document what steps need to be taken to maintain, drop, or begin a new partnership to ensure that the company is only focused on value-added external partnerships.

How to use this tool

The executive should first list all existing Partnerships under the Current Section. For each partnership, they should select whether it is a formal or informal partnership, and which of the three categories it falls under on the Innovation Ambition matrix. Additional columns can be added or deleted to ensure that the proper amount is visible for the Current partner list. Next, the executive should list any new potential partners that should be assessed under the Future section. For each partnership, they can select whether it is a formal or informal partnership, and which of the three categories it falls under on the Innovation Ambition matrix. Additional columns can be added or deleted to ensure that the proper amount is visible for the Future partner list. They should then list each of the pre-defined Company Goals for the row headers. Additional rows can be added or deleted to ensure that the proper amount is visible for the Company Goals list.


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