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The Value Ranking of Employees Tool: Capture and Compare the Total Value of Employees’ Contributions to the Organization.

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Wowledge Expert Team
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127 Wows earned


A template to assist with the understanding and ranking of the total value that each employee brings to the organization based on their ongoing performance, contributions, capabilities, growth, and potential for higher-level positions in the future. Value ranking compares similarly leveled and skilled employees. It considers the totality of an individual employee's current worth to the business. It accounts for annual contributions (e.g., performance-to-job standards and goals), other capabilities (e.g., competency ratings, development goal completions, key skills added), and long-term (growth or promotional) potential. This creates a more objective and comprehensive way to generate a total evaluation and stack ranking of employees.

How to use this tool

This valuation is typically developed at the end of a performance management cycle, once annual performance ratings, goal attainment, and evaluations are completed. It is generally conducted on groups of employees who are at the same level and/or roles and conducted by the functional managers of the listed employees and then evaluated by at least the next higher-level manager. These ratings and rankings may be combined across departments with similar roles and further evaluated in a talent calibration process.

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