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The Goals & Trends Conversion Tool: Translate Barriers and Enablers into HR Challenges for the Development of Strategic Objectives.

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This tool is used in a succession of analyses to take identified external and internal business trends and strategic goals and convert them into HR objectives closely aligned with business strategies and needs.

How to use this tool

Once the initial list of business goals and the associated internal and external category trends are identified, an assessment of how each may support or restrict the achievement of identified corporate goals can be conducted and recorded for further use in the strategic HR plan. This can be performed by either a knowledgeable individual(s) leveraging all the research conducted or by a team of business and HR experts. Such experts should vote on the trends and collaboratively determine which trends will impact the pursuit of a given goal and whether each will have a positive or negative impact. The selected trends should generally be limited to 3 or 4 per category.


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