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The Strategic Headcount Demand Tool: Capture, Calculate, and Communicate Projected New Hires and Required Replacements.

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A tool that guides the identification and quantification of the impacts of key long-term business strategies and projected turnover on the future employee population. Provides guidance on headcount growth (or reductions) for talent, financial, and space/location planning.

How to use this tool

A brainstorming session is conducted with functional leaders and experts to generate best guess estimates of the impact of identified business strategies on future staffing requirements. This is done by facilitating a discussion regarding each of the primary strategic changes or initiatives, the quantitative impact on staffing, and the roles most likely to increase or decrease. The output is then used to generate estimated volumes of new hires. The process continues with the use of historical turnover data to estimate the replacement volumes that will be added to the new hires to generate a total hiring estimate for the (future) year.

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