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The Training Needs Assessment Tool: Document New Skills or Knowledge Required for Stakeholder Groups Impacted by Change.

Top creators

Cortney Ortuzar
Expert level
31 Wows earned


This tool helps identify training interventions to help overall employee performance and ensure those affected by the change are adequately prepared. The tool documents the gap between current knowledge and skills, future knowledge and skills required after the change is in place, and the high-level approach to closing the gap. This information is used to develop a training strategy.

How to use this tool

Change initiative team members and stakeholders meet to understand how work is done today and who does it, as well as how it will be done and who will do it after the change is in place. Understanding the demographics of the impacted stakeholders (I.e., location, language, population) as well as key characteristics like access to and ease with using technology, communication, and training preferences is required to set up an appropriate training plan. Learning about the training infrastructure, facilities, and resources available for training should also be considered, documenting all findings in the tool.


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